EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
Data Transfer and Results Display / Edit in Spreadsheet
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    Edit in Spreadsheet
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    Edit in Spreadsheet

    The value table gives an overview of specification and result values for one or more components/pipelines or several profiles. There are several options for display:

    • Display of all specification and result values in the current profile for all components/pipelines of a certain type. Each component/pipeline constitutes a row, and each specification or result value constitutes a column.
    • Display of a selected specification or result value across all profiles for all components/pipelines of a certain type. Each component/pipeline constitutes a row, and each profile constitutes a column.
    • Display of all specification and result values across all profiles for a chosen component/pipeline. Each profile constitutes a row, and each specification or result value constitutes a column.

    This table can be used to modify specification values. Export and import to/from Excel is also possible.

    If you conduct changes in the value table, they have an immediate effect on the cycle and they can not be cancelled. To prevent accidental overwriting, the flag “only readable” is activated. The values can be changed only after deactivating the flag. The use of “cut & paste” is regulated similarly. Values can be copied from Excel only after the flag “no cut & paste” is deactivated. However, it is always possible to copy data from the table to Excel.

    The same rules apply to value inputs in sub-profiles in the table as in the property window. Values changed in the profile are inherited by the sub-profiles if there is not given any value independently. By deleting the independent values, the inheritance from the superior profile is activated again. Ctrl+D makes it possible to set a value explicitly empty.

    After double-clicking on a column heading, the table will be sorted according to the respective column.

    You can call the value table via the table icon or the menu command „File“à „Edit value table“.

    There are functions similar to Excel Go to next block / Extend selection to next block by holding the Ctrl key.